Wednesday, July 2, 2008

About the nitty gritties of Art

First things first....
I've written about plein air painting elsewhere on the blog. Guess I should've mentioned what it is alongside(as pointed out in the comments.)

The term 'Plein Air' painting has been derived from the French expression "En plein air" which translated loosely means 'in open air'. In the context of art it particularly refers to painting outdoors.Wikipedia enlightens us further that although artists have long been painting outdoors, it was in the mid-1800s that it gained immense popularity. French Impressionist movement and its pioneers such as Claude Monet, Pissaro and Renoir played a phenomenal role in popularizing the concept of plein air painting.

To know more about plein air paintinting check out this link:


V I N U said...


The ArtGeek said...

thank keep watching the blog for further updates